Tiger I, Part 2

It's time for painting.


First up priming. I used light grey primer from Vallejo.



I pre-shaded the tank with black.


After pre-shading I applied a layer of dark grey followed by chipping fluid. I then painted with a light grey color. I chipped off paint with a hard brush to give it a weathered look.


After the chipping process, I painted over the model with a darker grey tone because it looked too bright.

grey layer

Painted some details with paint brush and applied clear varnish.

Decals & Panel lines

I added the decals and applied black panel liner to enhance the details and make them pop.



I wanted the tank to be rusty and worn down. I painted rust effects using paint brush. Started with a lighter tone using sponge technique and paint brush. Then I went in with dark rust color. When I was happy with the result I used burnt umber oil color to enhance the rust effect. I also used yellow umber in some places.

rust 1

rust 2

rust 3

rust 4

Painting the commander

Painting the commander was pretty straight forward. I used a technique called zenithal highlight. I painted the figure black, and then painted highlights with my airbrush by painting straight down over the figure with white paint.

zenithal highlight

I then applied several layers of grey using a paint brush and diluted paint.

grey wash

Next up was adding details. Looks pretty good.


Next steps

I will paint the under side of the tank, but this build is soon finished.

I learned some things and had fun building this tank.